ChemLink F1303P F1304P ChemCurb Straights Gray

As low as $146.71

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ChemLink F1303P F1304P ChemCurb Straights Gray

ChemCurb precast form components are composed of gray polyester resin. The ChemCurb is 2-inches high and is available in a variety of shapes and sizes.  Straight pieces are available in 6 inch and 12 inch lengths and can be combined with 2-inch radius corners to create larger sizes. The outer surface is impervious to ice, corrosion, UV (ultraviolet) light, and ponding water.

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ChemLink F1303P ChemCurb Straights 12" Gray 8ct


  • RAPID INSTALLATION: reduces labor significantly
  • EXCELLENT ADHESION: sticks to most roofing materials
  • 1-PART FEATURE: accommodates movement
  • WIDE RANGE: service range -40F to 200F