Lakefront Sheet Metal Standing Seam 12" Flush Reveal Panel 1ft Dark Bronze

Lead Time of 2-3 Weeks

*Lakefront Standing Seam can be custom-made to any required length. Pieces over 12' require a manual delivery quote with our local fleet or hotshots. To consult with our sheet metal department about your project, please call us at 773-509-0400. Standing seam orders will automatically include an $80 labor fee. If the required lengths are not specified with your order, we will ship it LTL in 12' lengths.

Lakefront Sheet Metal Standing Seam 12" Flush Reveal Panel 1ft Dark Bronze

The Flush Reveal Panel features a 1.5" deep flush metal panel designed for usage in vertical applications.

For other options, see "Related Products" below. 

Lakefront Sheet Metal Standing Seam 12" Flush Reveal Panel 1ft

The Flush Reveal Panel features a 1.5" deep flush metal panel designed for usage in vertical applications.

  • Reveal Options: 1" to 3" (panel remains at 12" and reveal size increases coverage)
  • Oil Canning is a natural occurrence in metal panels and is not cause for panel rejection
  • Coating: Kynar 500 (PVDF)
  • Substrate: Standard 24 GA Galvalume
  • Uplift Test: ASTM E1592