TruExterior 5/4" Reversible Trim Boards 5/4"x9-1/4"x16'

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TruExterior 5/4" Reversible Trim Boards 5/4"x9-1/4"x16'

Whether a Modern Farmhouse design or creating accents on a gable, board-and-batten is one of the hottest trends in home exterior design. And it’s easy to create the board-and-batten look using just TruExterior Trim. Not only does TruExterior’s poly-ash formula deliver the ideal combination of authentic looks and high performance, TruExterior installs with ease and can be painted any color.

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TruExterior 5/4" Reversible Trim Boards 5/4"x9-1/4"x16'

Here’s how to create the coveted board-and-batten look using TruExterior Trim:

• Due to the vertical installation, be sure to use a drainable housewrap between the siding and the wood sheathing to ensure moisture has a pathway to escape the wall cavity.

• Choose 1X, 5/8”, or 5/4” trim thickness. Which one is simply a preference for the homeowner and installer

• For a traditional board-and-batten look, use 1×12 trimboard as the board and 1×3 trimboard as the batten.

• Find center on the wall and plan your layout to determine if it’s best to start with a batten or a board at that center point; you want to avoid having only a sliver of board when you reach the outer edges.

• Once you’ve chosen center board or center batten, start by installing a board first. If it’s a center board, mark the center of the wall, line up the board, and put it in place using 6D or 8D stainless steel or hot-dipped ring shank nails every 16” (and no less than 3/4” from the board edge) directly into the plywood or OSB.

• Install boards, moving away from center, leaving 3/4” of space between each board.

• After several boards are in place, chalk a single line 7/8” from the edge of the board left or right, which will designate the edge for the batten. This results in a 9-1/2” reveal between each batten.

• Apply a bead of caulk along each side of the batten or under each side of the batten.

• Install the battens using 6D or 8D stainless steel or hot-dipped nails every 16”.

• Repeat the process, moving outward from center.

Keep in mind that paying attention to your layout, and planning it out ahead of time, is important, particularly for small areas like gables. You want the surface to be as symmetrical as possible; if you have uneven board reveals on either side, it will be very noticeable, particularly on smaller surface areas.